Circular arc interpolation G02 G03

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Circular arc interpolation G02 G03

Circular arc interpolation G02 G03


Instruction format:

clockwise (C.W.)CW): G02 X(U)   ZW    R    F  

anticlockwiseCCW):G03 X(U)   ZW    R    F  

XZ······Terminal coordinates

R·········arc radius

Description: G03 and G02 of the distinction, as shown below:

1OD Tool  T01T06       


2End face tool T21T24    


3)back tool of end face /back end face tool T31T34

When processing, face to face tool, along with the pass curve, (arc start point to the arc end point) clockwise (CW) use G02, counter clockwise use G03.

Program method:

  N1 G0 X4.0 Z0.0

  N2 G02 X12.0 Z4.0 R4.0 F

  N3 G01 Z16.0 F

  N4 G03 X20.0 Z20.0 R4.0 F

  N5 G01 X25.0 F